
The Moment We've All Been Waiting For...

s7-homepage-slider We are absolutely over the moon to be announcing our spectacular Boston Season Seven. In the 2013-2014 season, we're pushing the boundaries of programming and collaboration further than we ever have before. We'll also have a more abundant presence in Boston than we ever have before - more concerts around the city, more educational and community activities, and a complete renovation of our rehearsal space in the heart of Jamaica Plain.

We've expanded our Boston subscription series to include eight unique concert programs - four at New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall and four at St. John's Church in Jamaica Plain - and will also be continuing our residency at the Gardner Museum. On each and every concert, you'll find us stretching our boundaries and taking risks - unique instrumental combinations, cutting-edge world premiere commissions, cross-disciplinary collaborations, and vibrantly shining guest artists. We hope you enjoy perusing the offerings as much as we enjoyed dreaming them up.

We also heartily encourage you to subscribe. Subscribers enjoy significant discounts, dibs on the best seats in Jordan Hall, and reservations for our wildly popular free Jamaica Plain series (these free concerts typically sell out weeks in advance). Subscribe today and don’t miss a single moment of Season Seven.

Click Here to explore the entire season online at your liesure

Printable PDF of our Season Brochure: Season 7 Brochure Season Seven Press Release: Season 7 Press Release